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9 Easy Back to School HACKS!

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Back to school season is here! If you are a parent, your baby’s first day of school is just around the corner. It can be a daunting time preparing for back to school and getting organized. The following blog post will provide some tips on how to prepare your kids for a successful first day of school that they will not only enjoy but also learn from.

Back to School Hack #1 - Organize with Binders & Folders

When it comes to organizing your child’s schoolwork, binders and folders are the way to go. They help keep everything neat and tidy while still allowing room for growth in a changing curriculum with its corresponding changes of assignments.

Check out Walmart, Staples and Dollar Tree for inexpensive deals on these items. In July & August folders can be as low as $0.10 each.

Check out the latest Back 2 School Deals

Back to School Hack #2 - Keep your Backpack Organized

Designate a specific spot for all your school things. Designating slots or pouches will save you time spent on looking, because if you know where something is right away, it’s easier to find later and can help keep clutter down in the meantime!

Back to School Hack #3 - Utilize a To-do list

A To-do list is essential for staying on top of everything going on with school. If you try to keep every task in your head, there’s a high likelihood that something will be forgotten and left undone. A tangible to-do list right in front of you makes it easy to see exactly what needs doing as well as when the best time would be to do each thing – this saves valuable time!

Back to School Hack #4 - Prepare the Night Before

A little bit of preparation at night can set the tone for a productive day. Set out each child’s clothes and have them pack their backpacks before they go to bed in order to create an environment that sets you up for success rather than regretful chaos when morning comes around. When running late, it is never too early to plan ahead so your mornings are as stress-free as possible!

Clothing Organizers for Kids on Amazon

Back to School Hack #5 - Meal Plan for School Lunches

Packing your child’s school lunches can be a chore. But it is worth the effort to ensure that they are eating nutritiously and maintaining their health! Be sure to plan ahead for breakfast, which should include enough time in advance for them before going off to school.

Pack healthy snacks like fruits or vegetables, this will help keep them energized throughout their long days of learning and exploration! 

Grab our FREE Weekly Meal Planner

Weekly School Lunch Planner

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Back to School Hack #6 - Designate a Homework Station

If you’re looking for a homework hack, try this one. Have an area set up in your house with all the supplies necessary to do school work and designate it as “homework time” so that everyone knows when they should head there (and what not to bother them while doing their work). If kids have everything laid out before hand, then getting started on their assignment will be easy-peasy!

Recommended Desk Organizers on Amazon

Back to School Hack #7 - Map out Transportation

Planning your children’s school transportation is crucial to their success. Consider the following:

  • Will they take a bus or be dropped off by you?
  • What if something happens and neither option works out as planned, what are your back up plans then?


The first day of school is a big milestone for kids. It’s the time when they leave their carefree summers behind and start on that long path to adulthood. But it doesn’t have to be daunting for parents either, because there are so many ways you can prepare your child before heading into this new chapter in their life.

Whether you want them to learn more about themselves or just make sure they feel comfortable with what lies ahead, we hope these tips help give you some ideas on how best to get organized during one of those most hectic times of year – back-to-school season! What do you do to prepare for back-to-school? Tell us in the comments below!

Back to school

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