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7 Mindfulness Strategies To Stop Living On Autopilot

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7 Mindfulness Strategies To Stop Living On Autopilot

Think you’re living an ordinary life? Think again. Every day we perform countless automatic, mundane tasks that us humans have come to accept as being just part of the way things are. These actions and habits aren’t always so automatic though. In fact, some of them can be quite challenging to maintain.

The reason these actions feel so easy to fall into is because they feel comfortable. They also don’t require much thought or effort on our behalf. That might not sound like a good thing, but it’s actually the exact opposite: these actions keep us safe and secure by keeping us from overthinking and over-planning every little detail of our lives. When they’re working properly, they also help keep us from getting overwhelmed with all the things to do, as well as prevent any unnecessary stress from creeping in when we become too busy to take care of ourselves. 

However, most people aren’t aware of how many automatic actions they engage in on a daily basis, which makes it easier for them to forget about the benefits of engaging in new ones instead if something old is no longer serving its purpose anymore (which it almost certainly will if you continue doing the same thing over and over again). If you want your life to be more than just ordinary, here are a few mindfulness strategies that can help you break free from autopilot behaviors and start living on purpose once again:

Exercise Regularly

If you want to stop living on autopilot, you need to take care of your health. Exercise is one of the best ways to combat stress and anxiety so that you can live a more mindful lifestyle. It’s also an effective way to relieve tension and give your body a break from regular routine. 

Exercise should be something that you enjoy, so instead of going through the motions, consider trying a new type of activity or working out with a friend. This will make it easier for you to continue exercising regularly. If you’re already feeling tired and unmotivated by exercise, there are plenty of other mindfulness strategies that can help you start exercising again with passion and enthusiasm.

Eat Healthy Food and Snacks

In order to stay healthy, you need to make sure your diet is the best it can be. You should focus on eating a well-balanced meal that includes fresh produce and whole grains when you’re hungry. When you do eat, make sure you schedule in some time for yourself to enjoy it (no TV or cell phone). It’s important that you have time for yourself to eat because if you don’t, it will be difficult for you to appreciate each bite as something special without any distractions.

Take a Shower Every Day

One of the most important first steps to living a purposeful life is taking a shower every day. Why? A daily shower helps you take care of your physical self and your mental health, as well as your housekeeping obligations. 

And while it might not seem like the stuff that will make the biggest impact in your life, it can be the small changes that lead to big ones. If you want to start living a more purposeful life and stop being just ordinary, try taking a shower at least once per day for no reason other than to feel better about yourself!

Breathe Mindfully

This might seem like a silly suggestion, but it’s not. Breathing mindfully is a great strategy for helping to slow down and take stock of the day, as well as help you connect with your present moment. Check out some mindful breathing practices on YouTube or Facebook to help you get started.

Plan your week ahead of time

One of the most effective mindfulness strategies for breaking the autopilot habit is to plan your week ahead of time. 

When you plan your week, you’ll have a clear sense of what you want to accomplish and how busy your week will be. You might find that you don’t actually have as much time as you thought. Or maybe this is exactly how many hours you wanted to spend on these difficult tasks! 

In either case, having a plan in place can help break the autopilot pattern and allow you to give yourself more freedom (and more time) in other areas of your life.

Don’t skip the morning routine

Most people believe they’re too busy to maintain a morning routine, but those that do find it incredibly rewarding. The benefits of this type of routine are numerous. Not only will your body be more refreshed and energized, but you’ll also have the opportunity to start each day with a clear head. 

Maintaining a morning routine can also help you avoid eating out for breakfast every single day. Many people fall into the trap of eating fast food or takeout from restaurants because it seems like such a quick and easy way to eat something healthy in the morning. You might even skip breakfast altogether. 

If this sounds like your daily pattern, consider committing to having breakfast at home by making yourself some eggs or toast instead of opting for something quick and easy from the corner shop or drive-thru window.

Stop multitasking and stick to one thing at a time

Multitasking is a myth. It’s actually impossible to do more than one task at a time, which means you’re actually doing one thing poorly and not two things well. 

Multitasking leads to stress and anxiety, both of which are no-nos for your well-being. So if you want to stop living on autopilot, start by focusing on one thing at a time. 

Next time you find yourself watching TV while you should be working or eating dinner while you should be talking with someone, resist the urge to go back into multitasking mode. Just give that task your full attention instead and let it serve its purpose in keeping you centered and focused. 

Most people don’t realize that they’re constantly multitasking without even realizing it because they aren’t paying attention to what they’re doing during these moments. When you focus on just one thing at a time instead, it will be easier for you to remain present and in the moment when something important happens or when an opportunity comes along that could lead to success.


Attention is our most valuable resource. Without it, we lose sight of what really matters in our lives. If we’re not careful, we can lose the ability to focus on what really matters, and instead spend our time on mindless activities that don’t bring us joy. There are many mindfulness strategies for how to stop living on autopilot: – Exercise regularly – Eat healthy food and snacks – Take a shower every day – Breathe mindfully – Plan your week ahead of time – Don’t skip the morning routine – Stop multitasking and stick to one thing at a time.

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